I have been sitting on this story for a looooooong time. But, a particular badass tweet by Rae Johnston yesterday has spurred me to share my tale. Middle of last year, the husband decided that he was really excited and interested in playing Dishonored. So much so, that it had earned exalted placement in the …
Tag: nerdery
Aug 17 2012
Fostering Young Nerds
I was killing valuable time at Target last weekend, among running other errands for the house. Whenever I wander off to Target unsupervised (always a dangerous prospect), I try and find a small trinket or toy to bring home for the husband. This trip, I decided to pick up cards for the 2013 Magic: the …
Dec 31 2011
What’s It Do?
Jun 01 2011
DC Comics’ BIG Announcement
I would be horribly remiss in not posting anything about this topic (but what else would be new, there?), so here goes. Dan DiDio, co-publisher of DC Comics broke the news to USA Today they are rebooting the DC Universe and relaunching some 50 titles at issue #1. I have relatively mixed feelings on this. …
Apr 08 2011
The Power Outage Effect
The Power Outage Effect is having the all-consuming urge to heat something in the microwave, charge my phone, or check the internet when the power is out. I’m having the same effect with the looming government shutdown and associated furlough. I am potentially about to be without a paycheck and there are things I want …
Sep 03 2010
From the Win Files: Squishable Android, Wookiee the Chew, TG App Magnets
It’s been awhile since I’ve made a Win Files post. I have amassed a collection of things that make you go squee. Here is a sampling. First up is from my most treasured Internet gem, Squishable.com: The Squishable Android! In June, the lovely folks at Squishable.com auctioned one of these adorable guys for the Child’s …
Aug 30 2010
Baltimore Comic-Con, Death, and Sandman
or “How after 12 years I came closer to completing my oldest collection and won the con at the same time”. I started collecting Sandman comics around 1998 or so. This was back in the days when huge swaths of the San Diego Comic-Con floor was nothing but booth after booth of comic books. I …
Jul 17 2010
Absentee Blogger
I am a bad blogger. I promised an update during the long weekend and didn’t deliver. I apologize. Lots. I even had a fun post about shoes drafted that I never bothered to post. Some day soon. Promises. It has been super hot here the last few weeks. We haven’t hardly had a chance to …
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