Random Doodle July 5th

I had written out some stuff about being a sucker for new pens, blank notebooks, and wishing I could draw rather than doodle. But I feel like just sharing the doodle. 🙂


    • Emma on September 27, 2011 at 9:44 pm
    • Reply

    Hello there. I guess this is a little embarrassing but I used to read your JTHM page when I was around about 15/16 years old and I really enjoyed an essay that you wrote about female comic book characters (couldn’t find the link for that one lol) I’m 24 years old now and I just thought I’d see if your page still existed and I was rather pleased that it does and it’s nice that you haven’t shut it down.

    So yeah, I guess this is a thank you for providing my teenage self with an insight into JTHM 🙂

      • Jess on September 28, 2011 at 9:58 am
      • Reply

      It’s ok, I occasionally get a little embarrassed by my JtHM site, too, and I wrote the silly thing! 😀

      The essay you’re looking for is here: http://www.viciousgrin.com/writings/womencomic.html It’s over 10 years old at this point and not too long ago, I was thinking of taking it offline because I hardly agree with half of what I said in it. My research and support are half-assed at best. However, seeing as how DC Comics has circled back around to two-dimensional, misogynistic views of female superheroes, I think I’ll leave it be for a little while longer.

    • Emma on October 3, 2011 at 1:42 pm
    • Reply

    Ah ty for the link 🙂

    It’ll be nice to give it a re-read. I don’t really know all that much about comic books so coming from an outside perspective I found it fascinating. (and probably still will)

    and you shouldn’t be embarrassed by your site! The embarrassment I was facing was sending random fanmail which I don’t normally do – I’m rather shy really lol

    keep up the good work, I’ll defo come back and visit again 🙂

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